Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Let yourself be silently drawn by the
stronger pull of what you really love.


I finished the hat I was knitting
last week and today will send
it on it's way to bless another soul.

I do have some Christmas knitting
being worked on, but since it's a
secret I thought I would show you
the progress I have made on my
socks. It won't be long before it's
time to make the heels, you know,
the really fun part, at least it is for

It's no secret that I love quotes and
poetry so reading Rumi is right up
my alley. It helps that the pages in
this book are short since I keep falling
asleep almost as soon as my head
hits the pillow, sigh.

Joining with Ginny


  1. Love your hat Tracey. I knit one up too, it was sent off yesterday. Your socks look great! Might have to check out your book, Rumi always has something good to say :)

    Have a wonderful day.

  2. The hat you made is so that pattern. And like the sock yarn...makes such a beautiful pattern. I hope you have a lovely day.

  3. I just finished mine and will send it on Friday. Yours is just so cute ...

  4. The very same book sits on our coffee table :-)

    LOVE those socks! What a great color combo!

  5. sent mine off, too! Is that your dedicated 'sock' basket? Really like it!

  6. That hat is gorgeous! I love that cream colored yarn, and the buttons :-) I am looking for a couple buttons for a hat I knit several weeks ago and haven't found what I am looking for yet...or maybe I just like too many different buttons! Beautiful pictures as always!

  7. Always in awe of your knitting but I also love that basket!

  8. Tracey, the hat is lovely!! Thank you again for knitting it and being such a blessing! The socks look so cheerful and I adore the basked you are using to carry your knitting.

  9. My favourite part of knitting socks is the heel as well. Love the quote you have up today! (I may just put it up on the chalkboard for a certain teenager that is making some post-secondary decisions right now ;)

  10. I love your photos. Your socks look great and they are so cute in the basket. What a great idea.

  11. Beautiful quote today, Tracey. Your part of the world is looking so very lovely and vibrant, such a great visual break from all the grey we've had here. LOVE those socks! Happy Christmas knitting :) xo

  12. love the hat you knit up, so pretty and the buttons are a cute detail. I am wrapping up the knitting this next week for the gift giving (I think). I might change my mind and knit for more people....

  13. That is such a cute hat! The sad thing is that you'll finish your socks before I finish mine. Today's quote is great...I think I'm going to use it!

  14. Lovely knits! The heel of socks is my favorite part as well. :)
    Love Rumi, but have not read that book. I need to rectify that immediately.

  15. I just love the colors in those socks! The hat came out lovely. I'm sure she is going to love it.

  16. Pretty pictures! The hat looks great! :)

  17. beautiful photos :) Love the pooling on your socks

  18. What a great colorway! I love the bright colors in this fall time!

  19. Great yarn for the socks. The hat is pretty also.

  20. What an interesting flower. It almost looks like an exotic orchid. I like that hat! It's like a beehive and remind me of Pooh. That sock yarn is so fun.

    - super cute pattern.
    Lovely images so colorful Tracey

  22. What a sweet hat Tracey. And those bright socks will keep you smiling this winter.

  23. You always have the most beautiful knitting and photographs. Thank you for sharing.

  24. what pretty photos...I love your knitting basket. I haven't read any Rumi yet although I talk about doing so regularly. I must make some time.
    Happy secret knitting.
