Thursday, September 11, 2014


Life is short,
if there was ever a
moment to follow your
passion and do something
that matters to you,
that moment is now!

~ Padgram

This week has been an
enjoyable week, much
of my time spent with
my Alex, the youngest
of my babies and the
last one here at home.
{Home} school is going
well and I think we have
a nice rhythm to our day.
I am so blessed to have
this time to spend with
such a wonderful & thoughtful
young man, he's pretty
great and I'm not saying
that just because I'm his

I hung my 70's lamp,
it's it far out? I love it
and think it adds just the
right touch to my studio.

The mail box has been
overflowing with good
I was gifted from a dear
friend with the pattern
Color Affection and I
received my yarn order
so I can cast on.
I received the cutest birthday
card made from a recycled
juice can, it's that clever?
And I now have plenty of
magazines to read this month.

I took the time to hand wind a
ball of yarn, enjoying the
meditative process and then
cast on in threes for a sweet
baby girl that will be born
into the family next month
[my husband's cousin].

Thank you to all who entered
my birthday giveaway.
The winner is ...

Happy Birthday Tracey!!!
I always asked my mother for
cherry pie for my birthday (cake?)
Sally, if you would please email
me your snail mail address I will
get your package in the mail.

Please enjoy all the moments
each day brings and have a
great weekend.



  1. Had to smile when I saw the In Threes - that is the first pattern that I followed! I received Taproot this week also - it is a great issue.

  2. I haven't received my Taproot yet! I am eagerly awaiting my copy. Looks like some good stuff happening. Happy Belated Birthday! I haven't been able to get around to reading blogs in awhile. I feel like I've missed so much!! Hope it was a delightful one!

  3. what a great color for the in threes. <3

  4. I think the lamp is perfect for studio, the green is a lovely shade! The yarn you chose for the color affection is perfect! I can't wait to see your version of it. Glad you had such a wonderful week, hope your weekend is just as great!

  5. I love winding yarn by hand and I agree it's quite meditative. Glad your school days are going well and that your birthday was blessed. Have a good weekend!!

  6. perfect colors for you color affection!!!! good choices.....lots of happy yarn there! I just bought a new yarn winder.....(I had stripped the gears on my old one----an indication maybe I knit too much?), but I had been without for so long, I still find myself hand really is a nice meditative activity! Enjoy the weekend---hope it is as wonderful as your week was!

  7. You got your issue of Taproot already, still waiting for mine. Love the lamp. Have the most wonderful weekend Tracey.

  8. Beautiful lamp - go for it.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. You really did get some awesome mail! What pretty colors for Color Affection. That was one of my favorite knits. I like your lamp too - very funky :-)

  10. A belated happy birthday and Yes! To the lamp! Our own [home] schooling has kept me from the computer. I'm glad to hear your year is off to a good start!

  11. Congrats to Sally :)
    Such a bunch of wonderful gifts, Tracey. Enjoy! I knit an In Three's for my Charlotte and loved the pattern. I created a beanie to go with that is free on Ravelry. Makes a nice set. Glad your home school year is off to such a nice start -- we dive in on the 15th. Daniel is studying to get his driver's permit next week. He took the practice test online yesterday. He's working with his dad they grow up fast, don't they?
    Happy weekending, my friend, xo Lisa

  12. What a great much to enjoy- I will definitely check out taproot- been meaning too.
    Congrats to the lucky winner!
    Happy Weekend Tracey :)

  13. Congrats to the winner! School is going well for me, glad it's going well for you all too! :)

  14. How clever to use an aluminum can like paper. What a cool card. That is a happy color for the in threes cardigan. That reflects your heart.

  15. Congrats to the winner!!!

    The post title and the quote are what I needed today after an emotionally draining week. Cheers for a great weekend for all of us. I'm glad Tracey that your special day was filled with all the wonderful things and people you hold dear.

    P.S. the lamp and the card are pretty awesome!!!

  16. I have been wanting to check out Taproot.
    Still and always will have a place in my heart for Soulemama who was the initial blog I saw 4 years ago that drew me in.
    Have a great weekend Trace.

  17. That is such a cute and creative birthday card you received. Yours is the second blog today that has mentioned the new issue of Taproot, so I am off to do a bit more research. It may be a magazine I would like! Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. Fantastic birthday card! Lovely to hear that you were spoiled in your birthday. Can't wait to see your Color Affection.
