Friday, September 23, 2011


Death is only an old door
  Set in a garden wall.
On quiet hinges it gives at dusk,
  When the thrushes call.

Along the lintel are green leaves,
  Beyond, the light lies still;
Very weary and willing feet
  Go over that sill.

There is nothing to trouble any heart,
  Nothing to hurt at all.
Death is only an old door
  In a garden wall.
~ Nancy Byrd Turner

The Lima Bean that
was so wanted and
so loved isn't
meant to be. He has
gone over the sill and
my heart is broken.


  1. oh dear tracey, i'm so sorry. sending hugs and love and comfort to you all. i hope your okay.

  2. I'm so sorry. I know how hard that is....

  3. Oh no Tracey. I've been there. This is so hard. xo

  4. I am so sorry. It has filled my heart with sadness. My thoughts are with you all. xxxKate

  5. i know there are no words for how your heart feels.

    we have never met, but i'll hold you in mine right now.

  6. So so so sorry :( Praying for you and your family.

  7. So sorry Tracey. Keeping you all in my prayers.

  8. Oh, Tracey, please feel hugged by me.

  9. Oh Tracey, I am so very sorry. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.

  10. so so sorry tracey. i've been there and i know the pain...will keep your family in my prayers.

  11. I am so, so sorry Tracey.
    The poem is beautiful, hold that last verse close to your heart.
    Much, much love to you.

  12. Oh, Tracey. My heart just fell to my feet. I'm so sorry. Sending love and prayers to you and your family.

  13. I am thinking of you and your fami,y Tracey. Much love and peace to all of you, with extra long hugs.
    xx oo

  14. Tracey, my heart aches for you... I too have experienced the loss of a life anticipated. I still say silent prayers, many years, and many children later... sending loving energy & prayers your way...

  15. so sorry...sending hugs your way my friend...such a hard thing.

  16. I am so so sorry. I have been there. Holding you close today...

  17. I'm sorry for this sadness Tracey. I'm thinking of you and your family and know that you'll get through this with grace. That was a beautiful poem; very moving.

  18. I am so, so sorry Tracey. I'm welling up with tears for you.
    Please know I'm thinking of you, praying for you right now.
    Sending true heartfelt hugs and love.
    I've been there.

  19. I am so sorry to hear that Tracey.
    It is truly one of the hardest things.
    So glad you have a wonderful family around you.

  20. I'm so sorry Tracey. It's such a painful loss.

  21. Oh Tracey, I have been trying to catch up on all the beautiful blogs I follow and I can't believe I missed this post. My heart goes out to you and I am so sorry for what you have gone through. It is such an emotionally painful experience. Hugs to you from way over here. Jacinta xxx

  22. I only just read this post now...Tracey, I'm so sorry. Words really can not express. In moments like these it is so very hard to surrender and so easy to feel powerless. So very hard. All my love.
