Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yarn Along

I completed my sweater
late Saturday night.

On Sunday I began undoing
the neck. After that I undid
all of the underarm grafting
and removed the sleeves.

On Monday I put all the pieces
back on needles and replaced
all of my stitch markers.

And now I will once again
try to knit a sweater that
will fit "comfortably" on a
human body and not the
body of Gumby.

I have been trying to read
Left Neglect by Lisa Genova.
The four chapters I have read
are interesting, but to be honest
I have been spending more
time knitting than reading.
I hope to getting a little
reading time once this sweater
is complete. xx

Linking to Ginny's Yarn Along


  1. Oh I'm sorry you had to unravel a bit!! That is frustrating for sure. I'm sure it will be just perfect when finished :)!!

  2. unraveling stinks ... but good for you for not giving up (I've been none to toss the whole lot aside and wait for inspiration to hit me ... or the Goodwill bag!)

    Hugs and sorry about the book ... sometimes we're just not meant to read something ...

  3. Oh, unravelling is no fun but so worth it if you end up with a sweater that fits the way you want it to! Way to persevere!

  4. I know--it is so hard to knit a good project and read a good book at the same time. I try to save a little time for both each night, which means that both go really slowly...

  5. another unraveller this week! Sorry to hear that!

  6. Frogging is the pits, but then we don't want to produce something less than our best.
    Your sweater - my socks.

  7. Frogging is a sad part of knitting, I'm sure it will be great when you finish :)
