Thursday, April 2, 2015


that was the day she made herself the
promise to live more from intention
and less from habit.

~ a. rubin

Monday was the first day of
spring break and I had a list of
things I wanted to accomplish,
closets to be cleaned out, clothes
to be downsized, my studio to
be completely redone and you
know what? I didn't do one
thing on m list, instead I gave
myself permission to do nothing,
no cleaning beyond the daily up-
keep that a home requires, no
cooking except what I felt like
doing, no paper work and most
important, no stress from the
outside world. This week I have
spent my days practicing yoga,
 I have sat on the porch and
read . I have spent hours
walking outside and really
observing my world. I've
practiced taking photos and
I even ordered this to help
me along with this craft that
I so admire and want to learn.
I have a new snack that I have
been enjoying and another one
to try tomorrow. I've watched
another season of Parenthood,
rested when I needed to. I've
honestly have had a peace filled,
relaxing week, one I have thoroughly
enjoyed,  how about you?

For those who celebrate Easter
I wish you a happy Easter and
to all a great weekend.



  1. Your spring breaks sound lovely! Reading and knitting is so good for the soul! Hope you have a Happy Easter!

  2. Good for you, actually enjoying spring break!! Too many times we just use those days to work and rush when we should be using them to rest and recharge. Love the photos, they are so vibrant and beautiful!

  3. Permission to do nothing is so important – good for you for listening!
    Happy Easter Tracey!

  4. that sounds so heavenly. <3 enjoy your Easter. :)

  5. happy Easter Tracey, I'm gonna check out your links after this comment, thank you for them. I love that you had a true spring break. The closets will always be there for you to clean but a restive week is precious!!

  6. Oh yum... those s&v chickpeas look good!!! Sounds like a a wonderful start to your spring break- i hereby give you permission to continue on!! Happy Easter Tracey.

  7. That sounds like a truly lovely week. Kudos to you for taking care of yourself!

  8. Peaceful filled weeks are the best. Thank you for linking those wonderful snack, I am looking forward to mixing up some of those chickpeas. The book looks wonderful as well and I will be adding to my "to-read" list, thank you!

  9. Great details in these pictures Tracey. That first flower pic is gorgeous and I love how I can see the tiny scales on that anole/gecko.

  10. No to the chickpeas - but those green beans - wow they look good! Enjoy your spring break and living with intention. I need to do more of that! I'm such a creature of habit!

    Linda in VA

  11. The colour in the images in the last two posts is amazing. It sounds lovely and peaceful at your place. At last I've spent some time planting my new garden and that's somewhere I can lose hours, it's my peaceful place.
    Like sound of your snacks. Noticed you use almond butter too. I'm new to it just bought a massive bucket of it recently and love my new lunch ingredient.
    Happy easter...I hope the break continues for you.

  12. What a lovely week Tracey. I am so happy you gave yourself permission to do nothing. Enjoy your weekend. xo

  13. Tracey

    Your blog is so lovely and serene. Happy Easter. Carla

  14. I love having days like that. Spring break has zipped by quickly. Boo. We made a COSTCO run, cleaned most of the apartment, going on the plateaus today, had brunch with friends two days ago, and I've been reading up a storm.

  15. That sounds like a perfect kind of week, Tracey! Wishing you a lovely Easter! xo

  16. Love that gorgeous picture of the sun!
