Thursday, November 6, 2014


Stay humble
Work hard
Be kind

I am so humbled and thankful
to each and everyone of you
for your well wishes for my
family, thank you from the
bottom of my heart, I have
the greatest group of souls 
that visit here!

I had thought with the wedding
behind us my days would be
calmer, but this week just seems
to have flown by at warp speed.
I can not believe that we are ending
the first week of November.

I have been enjoying the early
morning light, cooler temperatures
and that 'fall smell' in the air each
morning as I walk. I love that we
are no longer on day light savings
time, but will admit  by 9:00 p.m.
I am ready for bed!

The hat I am working on to send
Anke is coming along and should
be ready to mail on Saturday.

It's been fun to have want to cook
again now that the temperature isn't
an inferno. Two new recipes prepared
and very much enjoyed have been
Heather's  cinnamon spiced butternut squash
and Alicia's mushroom sauce.; both
of these recipes are keepers.

I discovered my little Bantam rooster
Tyrion really isn't a rooster at all and
is in fact a hen who lays the cutest
little egg right along with her sister
Daenerys. So, instead of Tyrion  I
would like to introduce you to Arya!

I received a much waited for photo
from my daughter showing me that
the tooth that had been hanging on
for all it was worth finally fell out.
My favorite six year old is growing up.

I hope you enjoy the best weekend!



  1. sounds as joyful as it was busy!!!!! time to take a deep breath!

  2. It is amazing how fast the days are going by. Emerson does look very grown up Tracey,

  3. I think you are living your quote, Tracey, just look at all these photos and words of grace, strength, love and kindness - so inspiring :) Love that toothy (minus one) grin, hurray! xo

  4. She is beautiful, her smile infectious.

  5. Inspiring pictures, yummy healthy food, beautiful knitting and a lovely family... Love your blog already :)
    Thank you for visiting mine, I'll be saving your link and coming back!
    xoxo Happy Friday!

  6. Beautiful photos, the food looks incredibly delicious! Your granddaughter is such a beautiful girl, love that toothy smile. :-) Thank you again for knitting a hat and mentioning it on your blog!!!

  7. funny about the rooster :) That is memorable. Now your E is growing faster than I can keep up! I love her missing tooth and her happy expression, I bet you miss her very much. have a good weekend !

  8. That's funny about the rooster Tracey..ooops! Well more girl power!
    Your granddaughter is the cutest- I hope the tooth fairy blesses her well. Have a lovely weekend

  9. I love that picture of Emerson with her missing tooth. She really is growing up. How funny is that about the rooster! A quick name change fixes things. I have been asleep every night before 10 pm. I wonder if I'll ever adjust?? Have a great weekend Tracey.

  10. ...the squash looks delish...I'll have to get another one to try that recipe...

    ~Wishing you a lovely calm weekend!

  11. Tracy! It's Wanda from reinventing mother. Check my blog! You won the bag. Can you shoot me an email?

  12. Your granddaughter is so so cute...but then you already knew that. ;-) That squash looks absolutely amazing! It is now pinned to my Veggie Board.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Tracey!

  13. How funny you thought your rooster was a hen; it is normally the opposite story! (and then some unhappy endings for those newly discovered males) Glad you can enjoy cooking again - I know how much you enjoy cooking good healthy food for your family.

  14. How funny. At least your "rooster" is laying. None of my ladies are laying right now.
