Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest
compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of
which have the potential to turn a life around.

~Leo Buscaglia

While there is still knitting
every day now that the weather
has changed it is having to
share time with the gardening.
This really is a busy time of year
for most of us isn't it?

I am ever so slowing making
progress on my Orchid, finally
nearing the end of the first repeat
on the border, there are three. The
pattern is very easy to follow and
I am enjoying every stitch. I am
very thankful to Melissa for sharing
this with me and can't wait to try
it when I cast off.

I picked up a book I started before,
but never finished, The Bell Jar.
I am not sure why I had a problem
before, but this time I am enjoying
reading this story and can't help but
feel a little sad that the author,
Sylvia Plath committed suicide the
year I was born.
The quote at the top of the post?
It's true.

Joining with Ginny.


  1. I agree, Tracey that is a true statement..I love your pattern and the color is wonderful.. Our chives are peeping up and we will have some soon.. Chive Blossom Jelly is one of our faves ... Take care..

  2. Love the chive blossoms! Ours have buds but no flowers yet.

  3. Lovely yarn and pattern. It looks like things are in full bloom in your area. I read The Bell Jar my senior year of high school and it was nothing like I had ever read before. It is an interesting book.

  4. True, indeed! Hi Tracey. :) Enjoying catching up with you and seeing your recent knits (lovely, btw). Our chives are blooming, too. I'm enjoying bluebells and columbine and apple blossoms! Spring is such a beautiful time of year to knit lacey wraps -- glad you are enjoying each stitch. ~Lisa

  5. I might have to read this book but I hope it's not too depressing :) I love your knit and this time of year is the transition of bite size knitting while we enjoy the outdoors! Beautiful series of photos!!

  6. You are right that quote is so true!!!!

    How do you like working with the thread? I like making doilies so I really like thread compared to splitting. It is finally warming up here we can't wait to plant our garden.

    You knitting is as beautiful as usual...Great Job!!

  7. Very pretty purple! I can't wait for the finished product :)

  8. Hi Its me again.. Renee a Knitters Notebook..I wrote the comment above not Marc not sure why my husband was signed in : )

  9. oh that color!!! gorgeous!!!!

  10. Love the chive blossoms! I've been known to put some of those in a vase and have them sitting on the kitchen table. ;-) Your knitting is so beautiful, the color of the yarn is perfect. I've been knitting less, too. Warmer weather means more time spent outside...

  11. Yes it is so busy! The garden and the knitting .....hard to choose!:)))

  12. It really is a busy time. It has been quiet for now due to the winter like weather but that will change soon I'm sure. I am so in love with that purple yarn. Your project is looking wonderful!

  13. a lovely quote, Tracey ~ your shawl is gorgeous...such a pretty purple!!

    I can't wait to see if you try the blocking tips ~ I'm curious & hope they work!

    I think I may join in the Yarn Along this week for the first time if I can figure out how to do it ~ I've actually been knitting AND reading the past few weeks so feel like I can finally contribute...if I can just figure out what I need to do to join all you wonderful people :)

  14. Beautiful, both the chives and the knitting. Busy time of year for most I think.

  15. What a gorgeous color thread. I have never seen that anywhere. Your shawl is going to be beautiful. My favorite color.

  16. what are those flowers in the first few pictures? i love them.

  17. That's going to be beautiful, Tracey!

  18. The knitting and the chives are both amazing. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful... happy busy days!

  19. The knitting looks very interesting, can't wait to see more of it!
    I'm just barely starting on the gardening, but my chives are growing as well!

  20. wow what stunning photos. The chives look amazing and I imagine I am eating them.

  21. I love that quote, it is on my fridge :) I also love that purple, just gorgeous Tracey. Hope you are having a great day!

  22. Gorgeous knitting and pictures. Love the beautiful colours.
    Enjoy your new season.

  23. That quote is lovely... I really appreciate the kind words that you leave on my blog especially on days when I've been feeling a little low. For some reason I've never been able to pick up anything written by Sylvia Plath knowing her sad story.I must give her a try sometime.
    Love the shawl and look forward to see you wearing it. Enjoy the garden. Everything is so fresh and green. I opened the door this morning after rain and could smell pine and blossom...heavenly...

  24. Pretty purple theme. Love the picture with the fence in the background. Wow, that yarn is thin - I haven't used any that thin before! You have more patience than me.

  25. Your photos are wonderful, love your shawl the color and the pattern. Can't wait to see it finished.

  26. The purple yarn is gorgeous! Makes me want to pick up my needles :)

  27. It's funny how this book you're reading is mentioned in the book I'm reading. That is a pretty purple you're knitting with.
