Monday, January 14, 2013


Be patient toward all that is unsolved
in your heart and try to love the
questions themselves like locked
rooms and like books that are
written in a very foreign tongue. 
Do not now seek the answers,
which cannot be given you
because you would not be
able to live them. And the
point is, to live everything. 
Live the questions now. 
Perhaps you will find them
gradually, without noticing it,
and live along some distant
day into the answer. 
~Rainer Maria Rilke,
Letters to a Young Poet

Updated to share my journal entry:

 I look at this photo, a photo taken at the marsh on the backside of the property and realize that after all the years of rushing and wondering, of stress and worry, of questions gone unanswered, I am now at peace, not only in my world, but deep in my heart. I walk this place and a feeling of warmth wraps me and holds me close. Yes, I am living my everything and I am thankful.
Are you living your everything?


  1. So happy for your Tracey.

    If I am really honest, yes I am living my everything. There are bits and pieces that are still falling into place, but I am happy to wait while they sort themselves out.

  2. I don't think I am... and that's what has been bothering me. I'm working on it. thank you for sharing this quote, dear friend. I needed it tonight.

  3. Trying to daily! You are encouragement to me :)

  4. My husband and I had a moment of clarity on this subject only yesterday, though I'm not sure we realised at the time, ironically.

  5. You are fortunate. Trying to live a happy life everyday.

  6. I have to agree with Erin. Honestly, I'm not sure I am.
    But my heart wants to more than anything.
    Your beautiful quotes always inspire me - where do you find them? Sometimes I write them down as a reminder. This one will be going in my little book.It really made me think and I guess be ok with the questions. I'm a girl that likes answers. sometimes I need a little reminder that unanswered questions are ok too.
    Thank you

  7. I am determined to be more mindful this year... present in the moment. Thank you for this beautiful photo and equally beautiful and encouraging words.

  8. tracey, such a wonderful chance to pause here. i have always loved this quote!
    and i really love that you feel peace deep in your heart...

  9. living in the moment.....with grace---trying!!! lovely

  10. Yes ma'am I am! I love this post and how it reflects what I try to do every day. Living in the moment is a talent, one that needs to be practiced.

  11. Perfect quote to inspire your journal entry.. very thought provoking. Living my everything? I don't think so. Menopause remember? :) But, I am an intentional 'live-er' (I added the hyphen because without it that was a very strange thing to say) so I'm "doing the best I can with what I got!"

    Blessings, Debbie

  12. Wonderful! I'm getting there. One step closer every day :)

  13. So vibrant against that backdrop. I pretty much am I think.
