Thursday, June 2, 2011


Let no one think that real gardening
is a bucolic and meditative occupation.
  It is an insatiable passion, like
everything else to which a man
gives his heart. 

 ~Karel Čapek,
The Gardener's Year

Taking my que from  Farmama,
I thought I would show you
a different vegetable each
We have always grown
watermelons, but this is
the first year for growing
We have them planted in
 between wide spaced rows of
corn and even with the hot,
dry weather, they seem to
be thriving. [and I keep watering].
 Moon and Stars is
an heirloom watermelon
so I will be saving all the
seeds for next year.
I would love to make jelly
with the fruit of the melon
and pickles with the rind.
There is a wonderful
article that gives the
history to this stellar

What are you growing 
this year?


  1. What a beautiful plant! And I love the name. Jelly and pickles? Oh please do share when that happens! Sounds wonderful!

  2. Beautiful pictures! We are still in the process of creating raised beds. I think we will only pick a few of vegetables this year to start. I know peppers and tomatoes will be planted.

  3. I think I killed my cucumber bushes. Sigh. I'm not good at remembering to water things. When it gets so very hot outside I don't want to water them except in the morning and evening. And by then.. I've forgotten. My calendula is still relatively happy, though!

  4. Beautiful! I am growing everything in a teeny tiny space again. I would rather grow 50 varieties of 1-2 plants each than a lot of a few. I just love looking at them all! :) We are very behind this year - such a cold spring. We even had frost just 4 nights ago, followed by 90's. We'll see how the garden goes with all of this...

  5. Those are so pretty! ...we bought a watermelon yesterday...the first of the summer...

    ...I'm having problems posting from Google...Affectioknit...

  6. Tracey,

    We have so much going on in our garden...I need to take picture's of it soon! We almost have pea's to pick... You take great pictures!!


  7. Catching up on a week of blogger's posts. Since blogger was having fits with comments, I gave up ;). My 7 year old son insists we always grow moon and stars! It is such a beautiful plant and the melons just perfect! happy growing. My growing post will be up soon!

  8. What am I growing Tracy? Still nothing. Well spinach. A little lettuce. The peas aren't even out of the ground yet (admittedly I was late getting them in) but no one here is harvesting them yet. I'm hoping to put the tomatoes and peppers.. in this weekend, but frankly I'm scared. Weird season.

    I'm going to continue to come back even if you are going to flaunt your abundance, because quite frankly, I've become quite fond of ya! :)

    Blessings, Debbie

  9. Stunning pictures as always, Tracey, and you grow watermelon?? I'm definitely coming to visit!! ;)

  10. Thanks Tracey! Your garden looks beautiful! I thought I recognized those speckled leaves...we are growing some for the first time too this year. I hope our season is long enough to get some ripe watermelons.

  11. We're growing some heirloom watermelons but I can't remember which - I do know it isn't Moon and Stars :( Can't wait for a full report...might have to add Moon and Stars to the repertoire next year!

  12. ok... those melons are amazing. we usually grow sugar babies because of our small space - but i may have to dig out a whole new bed for those next year! but, i'm very excited to watch yours grow this year :D

  13. We have had very little success in Maine with watermelons, just too short a season I guess. Your pictures as always are breathtaking, I need to come and get some lessons at your house!

  14. i just love this post. i am inspired.

  15. Tracey, love seeing those tendrils stretching - - - reaching - - - searching.

  16. Your melons and corn look amazing! We had a whole bunch (like several hundred) watermelon plants come up as volunteers in our tomato patch. We moved the tomatoes and thinned the watermelons. I have no idea what kind they will be!

  17. Oh- I LOVE this idea of a new veggie each week. I can't wait to see them each week!

  18. How lovely to grow watermelon! I once suceeded in growing a tiny galia, supposedly designed for growing in cold areas, but it was very demanding and didn't deliver. Your garden looks wonderful xx

  19. What a lovely garden, and thank you for introducing me to Moon and Stars Watermelons....such a beautiful name. Thank you for visiting. x

  20. Oh I love your watermelon plants. I have my garden posted on my blog too. I just love this time of year and all the great vegetables I get. Everything taste better when it comes from the garden.
